Making Yobe State Schools Safer!

Making Yobe State Schools Safer!

North-East Youth Initiative For Development (NEYIF) convened a Validation Meeting with key stakeholders to finalize the State Policy on Safety, Security, and Violent-free Schools in Yobe State.

This policy aims to ensure a secured learning environment for all students and teachers, and we are committed to making it a reality by continuous commitment to ensuring effective implementation of the Policy.

Special words of appreciation to our stakeholders, including government officials, legislatives, civil society organizations, security agencies, education experts, parent associations, teacher’s union and community leaders, for their valuable inputs and participation right from the review of the Policy up to the Validation.

This Validation Meeting is part of the Enhancing Safe and Secured Education for All Project funded by USAID through Palladium: Make It Possible’s Strengthening Civic Advocacy and Local Engagement Project which is aimed to advocate for the adoption of National Policy on Safety Security and Violent-free Schools as well as engaging stakeholders to increase education budget allocation and timely release to ensure safety and security of Teachers and Students. The Project is been implemented through a consortium of CSOs in North Eastern Nigeria led by Young Leaders Network.

Together, let us create a safe and supportive learning environment for Yobe’s future leaders!


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